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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Official Soundtrack

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Official Soundtrack was released in November of 2000 and the reprint—which is what we uploaded—was released in December of 2013. The music was composed by Koji Kondo & Toru Minegishi. I don't own a copy of the original print, so I can't directly compare them side-by-side but from what I've read the reprint is the better version. Even with it's flaws—some tracks being recorded at a lower db than others—the tracks stay more true to how the songs sound in-game.

There are other versions of Majora's Mask such as the German Nintendo Power release in 2000, which has 30 tracks on Disc 1 and 24 on Disc 2. There are remixed versions of Sonata of Healing, Mysterious Times, Eternal Legend and Salia's Song on the German version that aren't included on the Official Set. So I'm going to see if I can track a copy of that version as well as the remastered 3DS version which I hear sounds absolutely fantastic.

Until then, you'll find The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Official Soundtrack in the archive.

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