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It's Been One Year!

Well, It's hard to believe but It's already been a year since went live. In that time we went from a small 200 visits per month, to over 2,000 per month! I'm so glad that we are able to make finding video game music easier for both gamers and those who may not play many video games but love the music within them.

It's always so interesting to see which albums receive the most download clicks in the metadata.. I personally didn't think anything would come close to the Smash Bros. Brawl album we uploaded a year ago, but It's unbelievable how many downloads Super Mario Sunshine has received. Occasionally, we'll get an e-mail saying something like "Thanks for uploading, I couldn't find this anywhere." Which warms our hearts! As some of you may know, Sunshine is the only recent Mario game that had not received an official album release, so we had to extract the games music files to get it uploaded. What still baffles me, is why Nintendo hasn't allowed their music to be purchased from online distributors, to stream or perhaps from their own online store? It should be pretty obvious by now that we love the music they create and would be willing to pay for it but.. It's never been easy understanding Nintendo's business decisions.

On a sad note(for me personally), the album with the least amount of downloads is *Drum-roll* The Darkness for PS3.. followed by No More Heroes :( Come on guys, these are fantastic rock albums, give them some love out there!

Looking forward, I hope that we continue to help in the discovery of video game music. There's so much out there and so much more being released each year, It becomes a challenge keeping up with all of it. Which is why we hope you check out our Original Game Score of the Year videos. I love hearing the stories of students that took video game music along to their piano or guitar lessons, then reading the positive responses from their music teachers or fellow students. It brings me back to my guitar lesson days!


We have plenty of albums that need our attention to convert, sort, label and upload so we're gonna get back to that! Thanks for visiting us and here's to another year.

Happy 4th of July everybody!

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